Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Buckets of Fun, Clean up style

Even though I'm a mom of 3 kids...I still can't stand things being all over the floor! Mostly because I will be the one that steps on the rogue Lego or slips on the Barbie dress. This solution is easy, cheap and so far...it's been a hit!

The solution is as simple as some colorful buckets from the Dollar Tree! I will probably eventually upgrade to something a bit nicer like lined baskets, but for now it works. So for a grand total of $3 +tax we know have implemented the "buckets."

Each of my kids were assigned a bucket color. When they take off their shoes they go in their bucket. If I'm walking around and find something on the floor that belongs to them, it goes in their bucket. That way my floor is always picked up! If guests happen to come over unexpectedly...all of their "junk" is nice and neat inside the buckets!

At night, as we're going upstairs to bed, each child is responsible for taking their bucket to their room, putting away their toys, shoes and whatever else was collected in the bucket. They set their empty bucket outside the door. After teeth brushing, a story and putting them to bed...I'll grab the buckets and set them up downstairs for the next day!

The kids love these particular buckets because they have handles! You can decorate your buckets for your kids or let them do it! Add fun stickers, names etc. My kiddos seem to be happy with their colorful ones!

Give it a try and let us know what you think! Come on, you know you wanna have buckets of fun too!

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