Thursday, October 10, 2013

Salt Scrub Ghosts

These adorable little ghost's are perfect for Teacher gifts, neighborhood gift swaps and really just anyone who loves some yummy smelling hand scrub! SO easy to make. Check this out!

Here's what you need:
Mason Jars/Jars with Lids (I got these jars at Dollar Tree for $1 each)
Epsom Salt ($2.98 at Walmart for 1 Bag)
Dawn Dish Soap (This white one is Tropical Shea Butter)
Paint Marker
Plastic Spoons
Rubbing Alcohol
Fun Tags (

To make the Salt scrub you just slowly add the Dawn to the Epsom salt until you get a consistancy that you like. Add a little and your scrub is dry, add a lot and your scrub is more soupy like the Dawn is when used for dishes. It's up to you!

Add the scrub into the jars and screw on the lids. SEE! Isn't this easy?

Once you have the jars full of scrub...Now comes the fun part!

Wipe the sides of the jars down with rubbing alcohol (to get the oils off) and let air dry.

Then you can add your fun Ghost faces to the jars. These are for my kids' teachers who are all females..thus the eyelashes!

Add a tag tied up with a bit of twine and a plastic spoon for easily getting the scrub onto your hands.

Make some and show us what yours look like!


  1. I do too! Variations: white scrub with blue snowflakes for the holidays, white scrub with red and pink hearts for Valentine's day! Add fun ribbon or coffee filter flowers to the top! ADORABLE!
